S. N. Work Details Location Start Date End Date Status Remarks
1 Club terrace boundary iron covering work Club terrace 23/10/23 01/11/23 Closed Iron work done
2 TMC Matter with CIPL Saviour society 01/11/23 2/11/202 Closed Mutual discussion done on 28/10/2023 and accordingly cheques made in favour of CIPL for further works like Street lights, sewer work, road rapair and horticulture etc.
* CIPL is geeting the work done as per the request by the SGAOA
3 Club terrac boundary iron paint work Club terrace 02/11/23 05/11/23 Closed Iron paint work done
4 Fire System missing part in all tower All tower 02/11/23 20/11/23 Closed Fire missing parts kept in all tower and locked properly
5 LED Lights / Diwali Lights Within society premises 08/11/23 09/11/23 Closed LED Lights fixing done within society premises
6 All tower reception area repair / mason work All tower 09/11/23 16/11/23 Closed Reception area tiles fixing done in all tower
7 Sub Station # 1 & Sub Station # 2 merger / synchronisation work Tower A7 & A5 Sub Station 09/11/23 12/12/23 Closed Work done. Tested on load and found all paramters in working condition
8 Basket ball court paint work Near A6 tower 09/11/23 12/11/23 Closed Paint work done
9 Street light installation work (CIPL) Outside gate near boundary wall 09/11/23 11/11/23 Closed Pole lights fixed
10 Park renovation work (CIPL) Near A7 tower 09/11/23 18/11/23 Closed Renovation work done and also playground made for voleyball
11 Basment pillar marking work All tower upper basement 13/11/23   Open Work under progress
12 Kitchen of party hall Paint repair work 21/11/23 30/11/23 Closed Work done
13 Iron railing work work in lower basement All tower 19/11/23 22/11/23 Closed Railing work done in all tower lower basements
14 Load distribution work  Tower A6 & A9 23/11/23 24/11/23 Closed Work done
15 New borewell pipe connection to storage tank Mandir Area 24/11/23 27/11/23 Closed Work done and pipe connected to the main storage tank


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